unicorn overlord is such a long game hot dang
The Streets
In a flower garden
Joined on 4/17/13
Posted by Foxmosis - October 22nd, 2023
Hello to my small following here on the wonderful website of Newgrounds! I hope you are well.
I'm sure you've seen the lovely update to the art portal, it's fantastic! However it's left me in a funny spot. See, I started uploading my comic book How To Exist As An Artist on here and I did it via page-per-upload. Which is fineish but honestly rather clunky. It's gotta get some nice formatting in the box, each old post had to be updated with the new page, and opening a new page opened a new tab. I much prefer the new format of having multiple pages in one upload. However I don't want to clog my art page with a reupload alongside the original uploads, so I think I'm going to remove the original page uploads and instead upload Part 1 and Part 2 as their own entries. That just feels a bit cleaner to look at and better to read.
It makes me a bit sad though because I liked reading the little comments that were left, so if you left one I want to say thank you. I'll be screenshotting them all for safekeeping. Anyways though, if you see me upload something in a few weeks and you think it's something you've seen before, you probably have.
I will be uploading Part 3 in November most likely.
That's all!
Posted by Foxmosis - June 28th, 2023
Hello! This is a plug for my book! So I'm gonna start plugging now!
How To Exist As An Artist is a risograph printed comic book which just means it's a very nicely printed comic book. It contains Without Constant Dread, While Running Out Of Time, and After Giving Up. Three stories that cover what you could imagine they cover based on the name. Given how risograph printing works each copy is unique as well which I think is neat!
I'm going to start the second print run in a couple of weeks so you should expect to receive a copy in Late July or Early August. You will also get a digital PDF version when that is finalized if you want alongside a behind the scenes book that contains the process of making this. If you like my series but don't necessarily want to pay for it that's also okay! The last part will be uploaded to Newgrounds regardless so a physical version is not the only way to read this. It might be the best way to read this but it won't be the only way to read this!
I don't know if this will be the last time I print this book but I can say this is the only time I can both guarantee a copy and also offer a price this low. If you are interested in a copy then send me a private message! I'm flattered and humbled anyone likes my work and I thank you sincerely for your interest in my art! Later!
Posted by Foxmosis - May 23rd, 2022
Hey! So it seems a lot of people are into that VHS look for their work. Most people have been doing this with a filter I assume but if you want I can take your animation and slap it onto an actual VHS! Then I would record that VHS with my Elgato Game Capture and hand you a digital version you can upload. If your curious to what that looks like here is a small comparison video I made.
Filters get the trick done but I think there's a charm to having something that was made in 2022 being put onto something made in 1989. Anyways! I'm bored and feel like lending that hand so if you're into this just shoot me a DM or leave a comment. Here's a few things to keep in mind though:
Posted by Foxmosis - April 5th, 2022
Hello! There's a few people following me on here so if you're down to read this that's cool! I'm mostly making it for myself though so I can kinda gauge what my summer is going to look like.
Great Company! Animation: I still need to upload the comic I did of this series but I'm working on a short animation of my own design! I'm working on an animatic that should be done by early next month but I don't know if I'll upload that to Newgrounds. I've uploaded one animatic but I really want this to be more fully fleshed out. The animatic will probably end up on YouTube though as that feels like a place where I can toss up anything.
Sonic Animation: This won't be nearly as long or thought out as my Great Company! animation because I just wanna draw Sonic moving around real fast and shit. It's gonna slap though let me tell you. Expect that maybe later this summer.
Music? Maybe?: I've been uploading little scarps and old stuff to Newgrounds for a moment now. I'm getting ready to hone whatever skills I got now and actually make a little EP or something. I'm not sure if I'll release it under this profile though? I kind of like this idea of keeping music that I make that has singing on it separate from my usual profile? We'll see how that plays out. Regardless it's something I've wanted to do for most of my life so I'm just excited to get it out there.
Niche Appreciation Club 3: This is a video series I've been making that talks about video games! Kinda. Usually I'm tying the subject game back to an emotion. For example when I made a video about Animal Crossing I tied it back to how I usually feel on New Year's Eve. I announced the third set of videos in my Niche Appreciation Club series two or three years ago and life got in the way. So I'm excited to finally get those videos done and out there.
LifeCountZero: This is a Let's Play channel where the all the sessions of playing games together were put into a time capsule, a time capsule that is just about ready to be opened. The sessions were sporadically recorded from 2015-2020 and now it's just a matter of sitting down and editing them. Which is kind of brutal because I ended up being in every episode and let me tell you editing yourself from seven years ago is brutal. I don't know if anyone else will get as much of kick out of them as my friends and I will but I still think they're fun in their own way. Maybe in a way of taking you back to the past?
Sovereign Dream Electronics: This is less work than anything else I'm doing right now but it's really just a group of friends and I to make short little videos and maybe short films? We have some ideas cooking up but really this seems like a project that'll mostly happen in the summertime months. Nice to be in something videowise that I'm not as much of a central focus in though!
Real World Shit: I'm actually about to move again soon! Possibly moving again shortly after that! I'm so sick of moving! However besides that I'm also applying for some internships at places that would be cool to get. Also working on eating better again and actually hitting the gym again. With all the moving I've been doing I've found it hard to have a routine going both exercise and eating wise. Well actually I do have an eating routine but it's horrendous. It's going well so far though!
Anyways that's all I got cooking at the moment! Or at least what I know I have cooking? Regardless it covers all the major bases. If you read all this, thanks! I'll catch you later!
Posted by Foxmosis - November 21st, 2018
It's both a downer that Tumblr is dying but pretty cool that you're all moving over to Newgrounds.
I just think it is a pretty interesting even, as I think it's always interesting to see what's the final straw in something coming to end and I could safely say (at least for artists) this is what turns them off Tumblr for good. Which I wonder if that will also drag Tumblr itself down but only time will tell.
Just wanted to comment on this moment in history! The site's cool, I occasionally upload something, take care.
Posted by Foxmosis - April 19th, 2018
Hello, this is a hastly written update. I have a very soft spot for Newgrounds, always have, and with the recent update to profiles I feel like it might work a lot better for uploading my work.
Which will be mostly concept art, character art, and maybe some enviorment stuff. Not so much the more abstract things, I just don't see them fitting in here real well.
Right now I'm just kinda weighing out if I should upload a bunch of old stuff, I did upload something older today but I'll think about that later. Either way, posting art here on the regular from here on out. Peace.
(Oh, as for other things I do I usually upload videos that discuss video games in their own awkward way to YouTube. That's my main focus at the moment. Re-peace.)